200 Guided Meditation Scripts

  • Hello. I purchased the 200 guided meditation scripts. I can see around 20 have downloaded but that is all. Have I done something daft ? Many thanks Kerry

    • Hi Kerry,

      There are 12 categories and each category consists of multiple files. Compassion, Love and Forgiveness Scripts (27), Stress and Anxiety Scripts (27), Presence, Acceptance, Joy & Relaxation Scripts (50), Gratitude Scripts (21), Mindfulness of Emotions and Thoughts Scripts (26), Pain Management Scripts (6), Sleep Scripts (10), Leadership, Confidence, Focus and Energy Scripts (20), Sensory, Body Scan, and Movement Scripts (43), Family, Kids and Relationship Scripts (15), Addiction, Trauma and Healing Scripts (6), Consciousness, Higher Self and Wisdom Scripts (14)

      If you are not seeing these total count per category, please send a screenshot to [email protected]

      Thank you.

  • Hello when I purchased this, I thought it gave the guided meditation audios and how we can create them with our own voice as well. This looks like only the scripts. How do I access the audios and learn how to create them myself? Thank you!

    • Hi Stacey, it’s nice to see you here (not sure if you remember me). The 200 Guided Meditation Scripts are only PDF files of the actual scripts that you can use for making your own recording. The package comes with bonus audio meditations for better sleep which you can see here. I’m really sorry but right now, we don’t have a video about how to create your own recording.

  • I initially was purchasing the premium version but when I went back to the order page only the regular version without the instructions for making audios was showing. What happened to the premium version a it was more expensive but had tutorials on how to Repurpose and record the meditations to sell as your own audios, videos or courses.

  • When I purchased this my goal was to share with my clients via Audio and my podcast. I was going to use the meditations to share for free as it suggested I can do. I have no intentions of selling this. My goal is to be certified by you
    Mindfulness Exercises in 3 months. Do you have any suggestions?

    • Hi Mike, yes you can do that. The 200 Guided Meditation Scripts can be used when leading others whether online or in-person meditation. You can read it out loud or you can create an audio or video recording out of it. You can publish or even sell the recording. The only limitation is that you cannot modify, rebrand, publish, and resell the actual “written scripts.”

  • Hi It notes 17 lessons …not started .where are the lessons ? Are they within the guided meditations. When you hit “start course” what are you supposed to do . Find this a little lacking in explanations. Thank you

    • Hi Patricia,

      I’m so sorry for the confusion. We are using a Learning Management System so it shows as “lessons.” This is applicable for our other courses such as the “How to Guide Mindfulness Meditations” that’s included in your purchase. But for the 200 Guided Meditation Scripts, they are just resources in PDF format and no lessons. I hope this helps.

      Thank you.

      • Hi there. Is there a way to download the scripts in doc format? I want to easily modify it to suit my audience. It’s a pain to edit them when they are in PDF format!

        Thank you.

        • I’m so sorry, we don’t provide editable files. The 200 Guided Meditation Scripts can be used when leading others whether online or in-person meditation. You can read it out loud or you can create an audio or video recording out of it. You can publish or even sell the recording. The only limitation is that you cannot modify, rebrand, publish, and resell the actual “written scripts.”

  • I bought these a long time ago and yesterday I was looking for them in a call to offer a guided meditation but they were no longer in my Google Drive. Have they been removed from the google drive and only online now? I was unable to access or find them during a call with a client that really needed a positive uplifting meditation and my go to resources we not available even thought I bought these scripts. Can you help me so I can serve my clients when needed? Thank you!

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